The Silent Saboteur: How Uncontrolled Anger Undermines Our Health

Anger Management Online with Dr. Justin D'Arienzo Jacksonville Florida Psychologist and Relationship Expert
Anger Management Online with Dr. Justin D’Arienzo Jacksonville Florida Psychologist and Relationship Expert

Anger is a powerful emotion that when unmanaged can have detrimental effects on our overall health and well-being. From the physical toll it takes on our bodies to the strain it puts on relationships, uncontrolled anger can significantly impact various aspects of our lives. However, by learning effective anger management techniques, we can regain control and experience positive changes in our health and overall quality of life.

The Impact of Unmanaged Anger on Health:

  1. Cardiovascular Health: Intense anger episodes can lead to increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and heightened stress responses. Prolonged exposure to such physiological changes can contribute to the development of cardiovascular issues, including heart disease and hypertension.
  2. Weakened Immune System: Chronic anger and unresolved conflicts can weaken our immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses and infections. It can also hinder our body’s natural healing processes, resulting in slower recovery times.
  3. Mental Health Concerns: Uncontrolled anger is often linked to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Persistent anger can exacerbate these conditions and create a cycle of negative emotions and maladaptive coping mechanisms.
  4. Relationship Strain: Frequent outbursts of anger can strain personal relationships, causing heightened stress and social isolation. Unresolved conflicts and poor communication resulting from anger can lead to strained relationships and decreased social support.
  5. Sleep Disruptions: Anger and unresolved emotional turmoil can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, and experiencing restful sleep. Sleep disruptions can further contribute to mood disturbances and compromise overall health.

Effective Anger Management Strategies:

  1. Self-awareness: Recognize the signs of anger, including physical sensations, thoughts, and behavioral patterns, to intervene before it escalates.
  2. Relaxation Techniques: Practice deep breathing exercises, meditation, or engaging in calming activities to reduce anger and promote emotional well-being.
  3. Communication Skills: Learn effective communication techniques, such as active listening and assertive expression, to express anger constructively and resolve conflicts.
  4. Stress Management: Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine, such as exercise, hobbies, and relaxation practices, to minimize anger triggers and promote emotional resilience.
  5. Seek Support: Consider seeking guidance from a therapist or joining anger management support groups to learn valuable coping strategies and gain insights from others facing similar challenges.

Managing anger is essential for our overall health and well-being. By implementing effective anger management strategies, we can reduce the negative impact of anger on our physical and mental health, improve our relationships, and experience a greater sense of inner peace and emotional balance. Remember, anger is a normal emotion, but it is how we choose to manage and express it that makes all the difference.

How to Talk to Your Children About Divorce

D’Arienzo Psychology is Jacksonville Florida’s Leading Provider of Anger Management for online Anger Management Courses. We offer help for disruptive physicians, disruptive employees, disruptive lawyers, and for other disruptive professionals. Take our 4 Hour Online Anger Management Course for just $20.00 or our 8 Hour Online Anger Management Course for $40.00 today if you need court ordered anger management, or your place of employment or your spouse has recommended or referred you to participate in anger management. Our courses are fast, efficient, and informative. Read on for Dr. D’Arienzo’s advice on How to Talk to Your Children About Divorce:

It can be challenging and emotionally taxing to discuss divorce with your children, particularly as you prepare to have this important discussion. However, it’s crucial to handle it delicately and with regard to the child’s age. Here are some basic pointers on how to discuss divorce with your children:

  1. Plan a family meeting: It is ideal if both parents work together to plan a family gathering so that they can speak with the kids at the same time. It is best to hold the meeting on a Friday evening or Saturday morning so that the kids can mentally process this challenging circumstance and comprehend the family’s action plan before heading back to school on Monday. Please be advised that this conference should only be the first of many, and that this procedure should be carried out repeatedly throughout the divorce.
  2. Be truthful: Children can usually tell when something is off, so it’s essential to be open and honest about what’s going on. Avoid using blame-related terminology and speak in plain, kid-friendly terms.
  3. The more assured (and sensitive) you appear to be about it, the more assured they will be that everything will be okay and that the decision is the right one for the family despite the significant impact to all parties. Don’t be surprised if they already knew it was coming. Also, keep in mind that they are looking to you to determine how they should feel about the situation. This stage is frequently very challenging, particularly if one parent desires the divorce but the other does not.
  4. Instill confidence in your kids by assuring them that the divorce was not their mistake and that they are adored. Again, be sure to make it clear that your choice to split has nothing to do with them or any arguments you may have had about them. Otherwise, they may blame themselves and recall an argument you both had about them. Inform them that you and your partner can no longer make each other content. Ensure them that both of their parents will remain active in their lives and that you both will make an effort to preserve their lives as much as you can. Over time, reassure them repeatedly, and try your best to live up to your words. This stage is frequently very challenging, particularly if one parent desires the divorce but the other does not.
  5. Observe them: Let your kids share their thoughts and emotions about the divorce. Remind them that it’s acceptable to feel sad, furious, or perplexed by validating their feelings. Remind them that whatever they are experiencing is acceptable. This is not a one-off discussion. To process their emotions throughout and after the divorce process, you should regularly check in with your kids.
  6. While it’s essential to be honest with your kids, you should also try to limit the amount of adult knowledge you divulge to them because it might be offensive or overwhelming to them. In the event that your kids are still in your custody, it is not acceptable to tell them if one of you had an affair. When your kids are in their 20s and the family has reached a state of harmony, you can talk about this.
  7. Maintain routines: Do your best to keep your kids’ daily schedules, including those for school and recreational activities, as consistent as you can. During this challenging period, those old habits aid in fostering a sense of security and normality. As long as you two can behave like responsible adults, you should both continue to attend their key events and make sure they continue to hang out with their peers.
  8. Have frequent check-ins: As I mentioned in the first stage and the ones that came after, continue to speak to, listen to, and process with your children during the entire divorce process.
  9. Consult an expert if necessary: Consider contacting a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, or mental health counselor, who specializes in working with children and families going through divorce, if you are having trouble talking to your kids about divorce or if they are having trouble coping. Please make sure you choose a professional carefully before allowing them to deal with your family. Choosing an experienced person is essential.

Keep in mind that each kid is unique and may respond to the news of the divorce in a different manner. You can assist your kid in navigating this challenging time and adjusting to the changes that lie ahead by addressing the discussion with tact, honesty, and non-defensiveness.

We at D’Arienzo Psychology can assist you and your family along your separation or divorce journey. Contact us at 904-379-8094 or for more information. We offer the following family divorce services:

  1. Parenting Coordination and Divorce Coaching with Ms. Cynthia Salameh, Esq. 
  2. Social Investigations and Social Investigation Reviews
  3. Parental Fitness Evaluations and Court Ordered Psychological Evaluations
  4. Parental Alienation Evaluations
  5. Substance Abuse Evaluations
  6. Family Reunification Therapy
  7. Individual Counseling, Therapy, and Coaching for Divorce.
  8. Child Divorce Therapy
  9. Life Coaching
  10. Florida Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course
  11. Georgia Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course
  12. Texas Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course
  13. High Conflict Co-Parenting Course
  14. Anger Management Course 4 Hours
  15. Anger Management Course 8 Hours

Quick and Easy Tips for Handling Your Anger

D’Arienzo Psychology is Jacksonville Florida’s Leading Provider of Anger Management for online Anger Management Courses. We offer help for disruptive physicians, disruptive employees, disruptive lawyers, and for other disruptive professionals. Take our 4 Hour Online Anger Management Course for just $20.00 or our 8 Hour Online Anger Management Course for $40.00 today if you need court ordered anger management, or your place of employment or your spouse has recommended or referred you to participate in anger management. Our courses are fast, efficient, and informative. Read on to learn some of our favorite tips on handling anger:

Think before you speak

In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to say something you’ll might later regret. Take a moment, a breath, or a walk to collect your thoughts before saying anything. One of the best tactics is to take a pause before reacting. Also allow those involved in the situation to do the same. This will assist in helping all parties avoid lashing out.

Once you’re calm, express your concerns

When you find that your heart has stopped racing and you can now think clearer, express your frustration in an assertive but nonconfrontational way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others. You also don’t want to come off as controlling during your interaction. Criticizing or placing blame might only increase tension. Instead, use “I” statements to describe the problem. Be respectful and specific.

Problem Solve for Effective Solutions

Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Did your spouse leave dishes in the sink again? Discuss a chore solution that might be more beneficial. Your best friend is repeatedly late to meet you? Mention how it makes you feel and express that want for understanding. Also, understand that some things are truly out of your control. Try to be realistic about what you can and cannot change and remind yourself that anger won’t fix anything and might only make it worse.

Don’t hold a grudge

Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger to crowd positive feelings, you might find yourself spiraling down a vortex your own bitterness or sense of injustice. Forgiving someone who angered you might help you both learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship. Holding a grudge will only increase negative feeling for yourself and can cause unintentional continued conflict.

Road Rage Help

Average road rage shootings jump from 22 to 44 a month in 2 years, according to study

Orangeburg man guilty of assaulting officer | Crime & Courts |

If you need anger management classes then you should absolutely take one of our online anger management courses. Our four hour course is less than $30 and our eight hour course is less than $50. Both courses are completely online, they are self paced, and they are chock-full of information that will help you better manage your anger. Take our course today. It’s easy. It includes an automated certificate that will come to you as soon as you complete one of our self paced anger management courses.

Randall J. Lawley, 46, of 343 Shillings Bridge Road, Orangeburg, pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer while resisting arrest, leaving the scene of an accident involving an unattended vehicle
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Is Anger Related to Anxiety

Often anger is rooted in anxiety especially for men. Get help today for your anxiety and your anger by taking our online anger management! National Expert!
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Signs of Anger Management Problems

Signs of Anger Management Problems

Signs of Anger Management was written by future Industrial Organizational Psychologist, Brandon Araujo, for D’Arienzo Psychological Group in June 2014.

Anger management is a term that is frequently tossed around in a joking fashion; there is even a new television sitcom called “Anger Management.” These humor-based ideas of anger management are a dramatic misinterpretation of a very serious problem, which causes those who may actually have an anger control problem to not take it seriously.

Anger is a natural emotion and an instinctive reaction to something we perceive as wrong. This emotion can be either good or bad depending on how it is handled.

Someone who is effective at managing his or her anger does so in calm, controlled, level headed manner. For example, let’s say you become angry with your spouse because they neglect garbage duty for the second night in a row. The correct response to this anger would be to first determine whether or not it’s worth getting angry about; many times people will get angry over things out of their control. Next, simply address the issue with your spouse in a calm and controlled conversation. Some common reactions to the same situation that display a lack of anger management include: passive aggressively neglecting the trash, yelling at your spouse, or even physically expressing your anger with aggressive actions.

Anger management problems have many negative side effects; not just for you, but the people around you as well. Increased levels and poor management of anger can lead to depression, anxiety, heart disease, stress, ulcers, substance abuse, and even cancer. If you experience any of the following forms of anger it may be helpful to take an anger management course or seek the help of a professional.

1)      Chronic Anger: Constantly angry, stressed, defensive, and resentful.

2)      Explosive Anger: Violent physical or verbal expression of anger.

3)      Avoidant Anger: Suppression of one’s anger.

4)      Passive Aggressive Anger: Displaying anger in non-direct ways.

5)      Rage: Uncontrollable physical and psychological expression of anger.


D’Arienzo Psychological Group offers online anger management classes and individual counseling and consultation for anger management problems. Court ordered anger management evaluations and treatment are also available. Our professionals are experts in the mental health field and are licensed. They are psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors. Contact us today at 904-379-8094..

See our anger management resources page here.

The Benefits and Effectiveness of Anger Management Training

The Benefits and Effectiveness of Anger

Management Training

The Benefits and Effectiveness of Anger Management Training was written by Brett Wallace, University of North Florida Psychology Student and Future Psychologist, for D’Arienzo Psychological Group. D’Arienzo Psychological Group provides anger management training online, in our psychology practice office, or at your place of business. 

Anger management therapy has proven to be very beneficial and effective. Therapists often use cognitive-behavioral therapy to treat anger management. Beck and Fernandez (1998) performed a meta-analysis to test the effectiveness of this treatment. A meta-analysis involves the comparison of multiple studies in which the researchers of the study use a formula to standardize the scores. They then compare these scores to see if a treatment method works. The 50 studies used in this meta-analysis covered a wide range of groups such as inmates, abusive spouses/parents, and college students. The results of the study showed that overall people who engage in anger management therapy have significantly less anger than those who do not receive treatment.

Morland et al (2009) conducted a study in which they split a group of veterans suffering from PTSD into two groups. In the first group, veterans got standard care in person. The second group got standard care through video-teleconferencing. The results of their statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups, and that neither treatment was more effective than the other and both showed a significant decrease in the level of anger the participants had. The study also had even distribution of ethnicities. The video-teleconference method proved to be an effective method of treatment which allows people to seek out anger management therapy from therapists, counselors, and psychologists out of state or in a distance location.

Ireland (2004) conducted a study on the benefits of brief anger management therapy on prisoners. A majority of the prisoners in this study were sentenced to prison for a violent act. In their study they split the participants into two groups. One group received the therapy and the other was put on a wait-list. The group sizes for the therapy sessions were ten per session. The therapy involved twelve 1-hour sessions over the course of three days. The results indicated that the therapy was helpful in decreasing the participant’s anger level. This shows that multiple group sessions within a short timeframe may allow for a very time efficient route of therapy. Further research should be done to confirm or disconfirm findings.

Overall, research suggests that anger management in long distance formats, such as video conferencing, online counseling and training, as well as in person formats, are effective methods in treating anger management problems.

Please contact D’Arienzo Psychological Group if you or a loved one needs help with anger management.


Beck, R. & Fernandez, E. (1998). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Anger: A Meta-Analysis. Cognitive Therapy and    Research, 22, 63-74.

Ireland, J.L. (2004). Anger management therapy with young male offenders: An evaluation of treatment outcome. Aggressive Behavior, 30(2), 174-185

Morland, L. A., Greene, C.J., Rosen, C.S., Foy, D., Reilly, P., Shore, J., He, Q., & Frueh, B.C. (2009). Telemedicine for Anger Management Therapy in a Rural Population of Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Noninferiority Trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71(7), 855-863.


We can learn about anger management from fruit flies.

We can learn about anger management from fruit flies.

We can learn about anger management from fruit flies. I have posted a great article from the journal Cell. Aggression may be influenced by genes; however, he have the ability to manage it with our complex nervous system, unlike the fruit fly. If you are interested in the science of anger management, I hope that you read it.

D’Arienzo Psychological Group offers a Online Four Hour Anger Management Class, an Eight Hour Anger Management Class, and in person Anger Management Therapy at D’Arienzo Psychological Group. Contact us today at 904-379-8094.

Fighting Flies: Brain Cells Promote Fighting in Male Fruit Flies

Jan. 17, 2014 — When one encounters a group of fruit flies invading their kitchen, it probably appears as if the whole group is vying for a sweet treat. But a closer look would likely reveal the male flies in the group are putting up more of a fight, particularly if ripe fruit or female flies are present. According to the latest studies from the fly laboratory of California Institute of Technology (Caltech) biologist David Anderson, maleDrosophilae, commonly known as fruit flies, fight more than their female counterparts because they have special cells in their brains that promote fighting. These cells appear to be absent in the brains of female fruit flies.

“The sex-specific cells that we identified exert their effects on fighting by releasing a particular type of neuropeptide, or hormone, that has also been implicated in aggression in mammals including mouse and rat,” says Anderson, the Seymour Benzer Professor of Biology at Caltech, and corresponding author of the study. “In addition, there are some recent papers implicating increased levels of this hormone in people with personality disorders that lead to higher levels of aggression.”

The team’s findings are outlined in the January 16 version of the journal Cell.

At first glance, a fruit fly may seem nothing like a human being. But look much closer, at a genetic level, and you will find that many of the genes seen in these flies are also present — and play similar roles — in humans. However, while such conservation holds for genes involved in basic cellular functions and in development, whether it was also true for genes controlling complex social behaviors like aggression was far from clear.

“Our studies are the first, to our knowledge, to identify a gene that plays a conserved role in aggression all the way from flies to humans,” explains Anderson, who is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. If that is true for one such gene, it is also is likely true for others, Anderson says. “Our study validates using fruit flies as a model to discover new genes that may also control aggression in humans.”

The less-complex nervous system of the fruit fly makes them easier to study than people or even mice, another genetic model organism. For this particular study, the research team created a small library consisting of different fly lines; in each line, a different set of specific neurons was genetically labeled and could be artificially activated, with each neuron type secreting a different neuropeptide. Forty such lines were tested for their ability to increase aggression when their labeled neurons were activated. The one that produced the most dramatic increase in aggression had neurons expressing a particular neuropeptide called tachykinin, or Tk.

Next, Anderson and his colleagues used a set of genetic tools to identify exactly which neurons were responsible for the effect on aggression and to see if the gene that encodes for Tk also controls aggressive behavior by acting in that cell.

“We had to winnow away the different cells to find exactly which ones were involved in aggression — that’s how we discovered that within this line, there was a male-specific set of neurons that was responsible for increased aggressive behavior,” explains Kenta Asahina, a postdoctoral scholar in Anderson’s lab and lead author of the study. Male-specific neurons controlling courtship behavior had previously been identified in flies, but this was the first time a male-specific neuron was found that specifically controls aggression. Having identified that neuron, the team was then able to modify its gene expression. Says Asahina, “We found that if you overproduce the gene in that cell and then stimulate the cell, you get an even stronger effect to promote aggression than if you stimulate the cell without overproducing the gene.”

In fact, combining cell activation and the overproduction of the neuropeptide, which is released when the cell is activated, caused the flies to attack targets they normally would not. For example, when the researchers eliminated cues that normally promote aggression in a target fly — such as pheromones — the flies containing the hyperactivated “aggression” neurons attacked those targets despite the absence of the cues.

Moreover, this combined activation of the cell and the gene produced such a strong effect that the researchers were even able to get a fly to attack an inanimate object — a fly-sized magnet — when it was moved around in an arena.

Such behavior had never been observed previously. “A normal fly will chase the magnet, but will never attack the magnet,” Asahina explains. “By over-activating these neurons, we are able to get the fly to attack an object that displays none of the normal signals that are required to elicit aggression from another fly.”

“These results suggest that what these neurons are doing is promoting a state of aggressive arousal in the fly,” Anderson says. “This elevated level of aggressiveness drives the fly to attack targets it would normally ignore. I wouldn’t anthropomorphize the fly and say that it has increased ‘anger,’ but activating these neurons greatly lowers its threshold for attack.”

The finding that these neurons are present in the brains of male but not female flies indicates that this sex difference in aggressive behavior is genetically based. At the same time, Asahina stresses, finding a gene that influences aggression does not mean that aggression is controlled only by genes and always genetically programmed.

“This is a very important distinction, because when people hear about a gene implicated in behavior, they automatically think it means that the behavior is genetically determined. But that is not necessarily the case,” he says. “The key point here is that we can say something about how the gene acts to influence this behavior — that is, is by functioning as a chemical messenger in cells that control this behavior in the brain. We’ve been able to study the problem of aggressive behavior at two levels, the cell level and the gene level, and to link those studies together by genetic experiments.”

This research, Anderson says, has given his team a beachhead into the circuitry in the fly brain that controls aggression, a behavior that they will continue to try to decode.

“We have to use this point of entry to discover the larger circuit in which those cells function,” Anderson says. “If aggression is like a car, and if more aggression is like a car going faster, we want to know if what we’re doing when we trigger these cells is stepping on the gas or taking the foot off the brake. And we want to know where and how that’s happening in the brain. That’s going to take a lot of work.”

David Anderson, Kiichi Watanabe, Brian J. Duistermars, Eric Hoopfer, Carlos Roberto González, Eyrún Arna Eyjólfsdóttir, and Pietro Perona. Male-specific Tachykinin-expressing neurons control sex differences in levels of aggressiveness in DrosophilaCell, January 2014

See our anger management blog at

We specialize in anger management training and anger management counseling at D’Arienzo Psychological Group. Assessment and Counseling are available for disruptive physicians to disruptive employees, to unruly and angry teenagers. Call us today for help at 904-379-8094. 

Myths About Anger From SAMHSA

Myths about Anger from SAMHSA

Myths About Anger
Myth #1: Anger Is Inherited. One misconception or myth about anger is that the way people
express anger is inherited and cannot be changed. Evidence from research studies, however,
indicates that people are not born with set and specific ways of expressing anger. Rather,
these studies show that the expression of anger is learned behavior and that more appropriate
ways of expressing anger can also be learned.

Myth #2: Anger Automatically Leads to Aggression. A related myth involves the misconception
that the only effective way to express anger is through aggression. There are other more con
structive and assertive ways, however, to express anger. Effective anger management involves
controlling the escalation of anger by learning assertiveness skills, changing negative and hos
tile “self-talk,” challenging irrational beliefs, and employing a variety of behavioral strategies.
These skills, techniques, and strategies will be discussed in later sessions.

Myth #3: You Must Be Aggressive To Get What You Want. Many people confuse assertiveness
with aggression. The goal of aggression is to dominate, intimidate, harm, or injure another per
son—to win at any cost. Conversely, the goal of assertiveness is to express feelings of anger in  a way that is respectful of other people. Expressing yourself in an assertive manner does not blame or threaten other people and minimizes the chance of emotional harm.

Myth #4: Venting Anger Is Always Desirable. For many years, there was a popular belief that
the aggressive expression of anger, such as screaming or beating on pillows, was therapeutic
and healthy. Research studies have found, however, that people who vent their anger aggres
sively simply get better at being angry. In other words, venting anger in an aggressive manner
reinforces aggressive behavior.

Reilly PM, Shopshire MS, Durazzo TC, and Campbell TA. Anger Management for Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Clients: Participant Workbook. HHS Pub. No. (SMA) 12-4210.
Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, 2002.